7 Easy Jaw Exercises For Short Term TMJ Relief

Practicing these easy jaw exercises may give you short-term relief from the undesired pain. Doing the following activities for just 30 seconds thrice a day can do wonders for you. But you need to repeat daily until the pain disappears.

Easy Jaw Exercises

If you find these exercises too difficult, consult our TMJ specialist in Illinois.

1. Resisted Mouth Opening Exercise

To start, place your thumb under your chin to feel the pressure. Then, move your jaw forward so your bottom teeth are in front of your top teeth. Keep doing this exercise for a few minutes until you can do it without any pain. You can also use your other hand to support your mouth while doing these jaw exercises.

2. Tongue Tip On The Top 

Another exercise to relax your jaw muscles is the tongue-up exercise. The goal is to place the tip of your tongue on the roof of your mouth and apply pressure as you open and close your mouth. While holding your mouth open, put your thumb on the TMJ in front of your ear. Then slowly open your mouth and pull it back. Come to a natural relaxed jaw position between every repetition. Repeat this process six times.

3. Forward Jaw Exercise

One of the most straightforward TMJ exercises for pain relief is a forward jaw movement exercise. This exercise involves placing an object in front of your bottom & top teeth and gently pushing them forward. To start, place a sufficiently thick object between the top and bottom teeth and practice this six times a day. You may need to adjust your position to make it less painful. As you become more comfortable, increase the thickness of the object.

4. Side By Side Stretching

This exercise involves moving the jaw from side to side by stretching your jaw. Place an object between your chin and the top front tooth, and gently move your jaw from the side to the back. It would be best if you did this exercise five or ten times a day, depending on the condition of your jaw. If this technique is not adequate, you can try increasing the number of repetitions and the length of the time you perform this exercise.

If you are still not satisfied with this technique, consulting us for our highly effective and proven TMJ treatment in Naperville will be a wise decision.

5. Strengthening Exercise

Practice this jaw exercise to relieve pain in the jaw effectively. By extending the lips, you can strengthen the muscles in your jaw. To make your mouth more flexible, you should use a small thin object. It is advisable to use a thin object that rests on both sides of the mouth. This exercise will also strengthen the muscles in the mouth.

Visit our TMJ specialist in Illinois right now for some effective TMJ and jaw exercises.

6. Resisted mouth closing exercise

Resisted mouth closing exercise is one of the most helpful TMJ exercises to give you immediate relief from pain. This exercise involves placing the thumb against the chin while the mouth is open. Then, hold the mouth open and close it slowly. Repeat the process several times a day. If this doesn't help, seek the advice of a dentist.

You can even contact our TMJ specialist in Illinois for professional care.

7. Relaxing Exercise

If you are wondering how to relieve jaw tension, this method is just the right thing for you. Place the tongue tip on the roof of the mouth while opening and closing your mouth. Hold your chin up with your thumb or middle finger to make the exercise more effective. Then slowly open and close your mouth. Repeat this several times a day for better results.

Please book an appointment with our TMJ Specialist in Illinois for effective treatment.

Causes of Jaw Tension

While there are several different causes of jaw tension, some of the most common include TMJ disorder, teeth grinding, and improper neck positioning. Other common causes include excessive chewing. One of the leading causes of jaw tension is stress. While stress is inevitable, you can control how you react to it. Yoga, meditation, and deep breathing exercises are excellent ways to reduce stress. Other mindful practices, such as taking a moment to breathe deeply, can also help reduce tension.

Seek professional help and reliable TMJ treatment in Naperville from our experts right now!

How To Relieve Jaw Tension

It is common for people to suffer from jaw tension, which affects their overall function. If you are experiencing jaw tension, you need to find ways to relieve it as soon as possible. It is essential to realize that the problem is not life-threatening. However, if you continue to suffer from jaw tension and do nothing for it, it may create several chronic conditions for you.

Before trying any of the methods, it is recommended to visit our center for TMJ treatment in Naperville for professional guidance. Listed below are some ways to relieve jaw tension and improve your quality of life:

1. Acupuncture

Acupressure points are known to relieve tension in the jaw. It can also help relieve jaw tension. You can relax your jaw and neck muscles by applying pressure to certain areas. Often, some areas cause the most stress in the jaw. By focusing on those areas, you can reduce the pain.

Please book your appointment with our TMJ Specialist in Illinois right now for more information!

2. Relaxation

The best way to relax is by exercising every day. Learning to relieve jaw tension is a practical step towards reduced, painless life. While you're at it, remember to keep your tongue down and your jaw muscles relaxed. If you notice a particular situation that makes you feel tight in the jaw, try to observe how you are using your natural, relaxed jaw position. When you find yourself clenching or gritting your teeth, try to relax your jaw and separate your lips.

3. Massage

Massaging the jaw is another effective way to relieve tension in the jaw. By rubbing the jaw, you will improve the flow of blood and reduce muscle tightness. It will help if you massage your muscles in a circular motion for a few minutes every day to see results. Additionally, you should try eating soft foods to relieve jaw tension. Some of these include avocado, yogurt, and porridge. A warm facecloth can help ease the pain and relax the muscles in the jaw. Practicing this with other jaw exercises will significantly help you relieve jaw pain.

4. Practicing Yoga

Practicing yoga is another way to relieve jaw tension. This technique involves stretching the muscles in the neck and jaw. While stretching the neck muscles, you should also perform manual jaw openings. Seek help for some professional Yoga teacher for better results.

You can even book your appointment with our TMJ specialist in Illinois for detailed guidance.

5. Using Cold & Hot Packs

Using cold packs on your jaw is another effective way to relieve jaw tension. It can be applied quickly and is ideal for dulling sharp pain. For constant pain, you can also use hot face cloths. By holding warm face cloths over your face, you will relieve your jaw pain in just 20 minutes. You'll also increase blood circulation in the area and relax the muscles.

You may need to consult our TMJ Specialist in Illinois to get a proper diagnosis in some cases.

6. Physiotherapy

A physiotherapist can help you relieve jaw tension by doing various jaw exercises and positions. They will be able to assess your condition and determine what exercises are best for you. A physiotherapist can help you identify the root cause of your condition and prescribe the right exercises.

By learning how to relieve jaw tension, you can enjoy life without experiencing pain and discomfort in the jaw. By relaxing your body, you can also alleviate your stress levels. Once you understand what causes jaw pain and how to treat it effectively for immediate relief, you can lead a better and more relaxed life.

Visit our center for TMJ Treatment in Naperville to get effective TMJ pain relief.

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