Unlocking Locked Jaws: Steps with Dr. Hitesh Patel

A locked jaw can disrupt everyday activities and cause discomfort. It often stems from TMJ disorders, where the jaw becomes stuck, limiting mouth opening and function. Understanding the root causes and symptoms is vital to finding the right treatment. With Dr. Hitesh Patel’s expertise, effective solutions are accessible to address these concerns and enhance quality of life.

Understanding Locked Jaws and TMJ Disorders

A locked jaw, known medically as trismus, can cause significant discomfort and impede normal mouth functions like eating and speaking. Typically, a locked jaw is a symptom of TMJ (temporomandibular joint) disorders, which affect the joints connecting the jawbone to the skull. Various factors can contribute to a locked jaw, including stress, injury, arthritis, and even prolonged clenching or grinding of teeth.

TMJ disorders are a primary cause of jaw locking. They occur when the joint or surrounding muscles face inflammation or misalignment. This joint dysfunction can lead to the jaw getting stuck in a closed or partially open position, causing pain and a restricted range of motion. When these disorders are left untreated, they may lead to chronic issues and further exacerbate symptoms.

The symptoms of a locked jaw are often disruptive, impacting one’s daily life significantly. Individuals may experience difficulty chewing, speaking, or opening their mouths wide, which affects eating habits and social interactions. Often, this condition is accompanied by other symptoms of TMJ disorders, such as jaw pain, clicking sounds near the ear, and headaches. Recognizing these symptoms is crucial to seeking timely treatment and relief.

Evaluation and Diagnosis with Dr. Hitesh Patel

Dr. Hitesh Patel follows a comprehensive approach to evaluate and diagnose TMJ disorders, particularly when symptoms point to a locked jaw. The evaluation process begins with a thorough review of the patient's medical history and a discussion of the symptoms they are experiencing. Dr. Hitesh Patel carefully examines the jaw joints, checking for pain, tenderness, and range of motion limitations.

During the evaluation, several diagnostic tools and techniques are employed to gain a complete understanding of the condition. Imaging tests like X-rays, MRIs, and CT scans can provide detailed views of the jaw structure and help identify any abnormalities in the joint. Dr. Hitesh Patel may also use these imaging results to rule out other potential causes of a locked jaw.

Once the examination and diagnostic tests are complete, Dr. Hitesh Patel evaluates the need for an unlocking procedure. Criteria such as the severity of the jaw lock, the frequency of episodes, and how much the condition affects daily activities are considered. This careful assessment ensures that any recommended procedure is truly necessary and likely to provide the patient with significant relief and restored jaw function.

Unlocking Procedures: What to Expect

Unlocking a locked jaw involves a targeted approach to restore its mobility. Dr. Hitesh Patel employs a specific procedure that begins with a thorough assessment to determine the best course of action. Once confirmed, the unlocking procedure is set in motion.

To ensure comfort during the treatment, an anesthetic or injection is often used. This helps in minimizing pain and allows Dr. Hitesh Patel to perform the necessary jaw manipulations effectively. Carefully guided techniques are applied to release the joint and enable smoother jaw movement. Dr. Hitesh Patel is highly skilled in performing these delicate maneuvers, ensuring patient safety throughout the process.

In scenarios where multiple attempts are needed, Dr. Hitesh Patel adapts the strategy to ensure success. He might recommend additional treatments, such as PRF therapy, to support healing and reduce inflammation. These combined efforts aim to provide a comprehensive solution to alleviate the challenges associated with a locked jaw.

Post-Procedure Care and Recovery

Following an unlocking procedure, proper care is essential for a smooth recovery. Dr. Hitesh Patel provides specific guidelines to help patients regain full functionality. Here are some crucial tips:

  • Apply Ice Packs: Reduce swelling and discomfort by placing ice packs on the jaw area for short periods.
  • Adopt a Soft Diet: Allow the jaw to heal by consuming soft foods that require minimal chewing.
  • Avoid Extreme Movements: Minimize jaw strain by avoiding wide yawns or other excessive movements.

The recovery timeline can vary, but most patients experience significant improvement within a few days to weeks. It’s vital to attend follow-up visits with Dr. Hitesh Patel to monitor progress and address any concerns promptly.

Dr. Hitesh Patel also advises on maintaining long-term jaw health. Regularly performing prescribed exercises and sticking to a balanced diet can prevent future flare-ups. Through ongoing care and monitoring, patients can achieve sustained relief and enjoy improved jaw function.


Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) disorders can significantly affect daily life if left untreated. From understanding common symptoms to receiving a proper diagnosis and treatment, every step is crucial. Dr. Hitesh Patel is committed to providing comprehensive care that addresses each aspect of TMJ disorders. 

At Suburban TMJ Center, we tailor every aspect of our treatment plans to the specific needs of our patients, ensuring you receive the most effective care available. If you or someone you know is dealing with TMJ in Naperville, IL, contact us today. Dr. Hitesh Patel and our dedicated team are here to guide you on the path to relief and successful management.

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Unlocking Locked Jaws: Steps with Dr. Hitesh Patel
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PRF Treatment for TMJ: What Dr. Hitesh Patel Wants You to Know
Unlocking a Locked Jaw: Dr. Hitesh Patel's Effective Methods

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