Questions to Ask at a Sleep Apnea Treatment Center

Addressing sleep apnea is crucial for getting the proper treatment as a good night’s sleep can improve your overall health & wellbeing. It’s significant in improving your daily energy levels and even reducing the risk of suffering from various chronic conditions.

Here are a few questions you should ask at your sleep apnea treatment center:

Is My Sleeping Habit Right?

Increasing your awareness about sleep apnea begins with understanding your sleep and sleep cycle. Did you know? We spend almost one-third of our lives sleeping, and therefore, it’s essential to understand your sleep habits before you visit our specialist for sleep apnea treatment in Illinois.

Sleep habits include how much you sleep, when you go to bed, when you wake up, what you do in pre-sleep hours, caffeine consumption before sleeping, etc. You should monitor your sleep habits one week before you go for the treatment so you can have an honest and detailed conversation with your doctor.

Why Do I Have Sleep Apnea?

Did you know that many factors that can cause sleep apnea can run in families? This includes a narrow throat, round head & thick neck, obesity & sleeping habits. People who have a family history of sleep apnea are more likely to have it.

If you believe you have a family member who has undiagnosed sleep apnea, bring it up with your doctor. You should talk with your parents, siblings, and immediate cousins about their sleep apnea - whether they have been diagnosed in the past.

However, there are other reasons why you might have sleep apnea, and it’s essential to understand the cause. For example, sleep apnea is more likely to happen as you age.

Why Am I Tired Throughout The Day?

Typically sleep apnea can leave you tired, impacting your daily routine life. However, there’s a possibility that you’re experiencing fatigue rather than sleep apnea.

If you find yourself with little energy during the day but don’t really fall asleep, the cause might not be sleep apnea but something else. This could be a thyroid condition, anemia, or even chronic fatigue syndrome.

Therefore, it’s crucial you have a detailed discussion about your tiredness during the day with your doctor. Try to be as accurate as possible so you can get a proper and correct diagnosis at the sleep apnea treatment centers in Illinois.

Do I Have Other Conditions?

Did you know? The disturbed sleep & periods of not being able to breathe while sleeping (suffering from sleep apnea) can increase the risk of stroke, high BP, and heart attack. However, with early diagnosis, you can start the treatment early and avoid the risk of these conditions becoming severe.

Did you know? Sometimes, sleep apnea treatment can improve other underlying conditions, and your overall health can also improve.

Have a detailed discussion about your obesity and other conditions with your doctor when you go for sleep apnea treatment in Illinois.

Which Treatment is Best For Me?

There are myriads of treatments available for sleep apnea today; however, different people prefer different kinds of treatment for various reasons. For example, some people benefit from sleep apnea jaw surgery in Illinois, while others prefer oral appliances treatment. Therefore, it’s essential to know all your options before finalizing treatment.

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